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Friday, January 1, 2010

Julie and Julia

After watching Julie and Julia, I now know two things: Cooking never has to be boring, and neither does a movie about it! Meryl Streep does not carry this well written movie because she does not have to. Her performance is wonderful yet subtly hilarious, but she still makes you think in a way you never conceived by this possibly overbearing character. Her display is slightly offset by that of Amy Adams who may take a small backseat behind Streep's huge performance, but when all is said and done refuses to be ignored. Streep and Adams, though spending no time on screen with each other, create a chemistry that is truly unique. Julie and Julia is a instant feel good movie that should be immediately thought of for christmas and birthday gifts for every girl who has occasionally flipped to the food channel. But guys, please don't be put off, this movie will make you laugh and at least think twice about crying.

Guys, there is not a much better way to prove you care then a great evening with Julie and Julia and for that reason alone this is a: DAM

Overall, most will enjoy this movie, a select few will critique its overbearing "chick flick" qualities. Yet there is something overwhelmingly charming about a 6'2 woman cutting a twenty pound mountain of onions.
People Points: 2/3

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