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Thursday, December 31, 2009

People Points/Rating System

A "People Point" is a simple concept which makes it easy for you to expect a certain standard from a movie you will soon view. Assuming you go to a movie with a group of 3 people, you will not always agree on which of you liked the movie and which of you did not. A People Point is assuming at least one person who viewed this movie enjoyed it. Assuming this, 1 point equals 1 happy camper sitting in awe of this film. Therefore:
0/3 people points-almost everyone who sees this movie would be repulsed and only a precious couple will find any entertainment value.
1/3 people points-only a small portion of your group will enjoy this film.
2/3 people points-its not the best film in the world, but most who view it will sit happily ignorant of its flaws.
3/3 People Points-almost every single person who views this movie will smile till the end of their thought filled ride home and only a rare few will, for mostly acute reasons, not enjoy it.

as a wise poet once said "sllluuuunnnk"

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