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Friday, January 1, 2010


It's generally considered a good thing to keep your promises. So in all respects, for honesty's sake, Avatar is a great movie. It promises a unique aesthetic experience and delivers in full. Vivid colors and imaginative story lines leak from the sides of the silver screen as you indulge in this heavy hitting "Blue" Christmas. Talk of visual revolution claim you may never view a movie in the same way... and this may be true. Yet, it seems that with the imagination being in the hands of computer animators you may lose a certain sense of the human experience that comes with great art. So a small piece of advice: if you can't stand CGI, do not attend this movie. Aside from the effects, Sam Worthington did a wonderful job portraying our protagonist: a paralyzed ex-marine... but, if we are all honest not a single one of us cared who the actors were; we were there for the blue people.
Avatar's effects blew me away in a fashion truly unique.

This movie is a HUGE DAM because there is romance for the girls yet war and blue nipples for the guys.

People who will dislike this film are as follows: hardcore Tarantino fans (myself included), people with ADD and those of us who just can't get over the fact that half of the film looks just a little bit less real than its supposed to.
Since that group only comprises about 100 of us this movie finds itself with a solid

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